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Receive designs, house inspections, building inspections by engineers, architects and building inspectors in Phuket.

Building Inspection

We provide buildings, condominiums, factories or hotels inspection under building construction control Act, B.E. 2479 (1936) to request a annual permit of building inspection Ror. 1. We have developed teamwork, tools, equipments and ways we work for the best services and reasonable prices for our clients along with focusing on safety and Engineering standards. Our highest goal of building inspection is to create safety to bodies, lifes, health and property. The major inspection will be added details of inspecting and more reports than annual inspection, but the price is not risen up.

Safety inspection and building inspection are made by certified Engineers from council of Engineers and received building inspector’s license from department of public works and town & country planning. We inspect buildings under building construction control Act, B.E. 2479 (1936) which our highest goal of building inspection is to create safety to use. Building inspection is inspecting building conditions in terms of building strength and equipments of the building. The objective is to prevent any danger from bodies, lifes, health and properties belong to people who use the building and to create safety in terms of using the building correctly.

Engineering equipments are the heart of the work. It is combined with service and convenience system, hygiene and environmental system, and fire prevention and suppression system. It usually costs a lot but we will earn the most of benefits from it under Thai laws and standards. The inspection will aim to evaluate capacity of the system if they perform well and properly.

Though the building owner has a permit of building inspection Ror. 1, it does not mean the building is legal. By laws, local officials still have rights to investigate it. They can inspect the building and order to modify it legally and correctly. Building inspection mainly focuses on using the building in a safe manner and writing a report of a building and equipment condition.

1. Building inspection focusing on the strength of buildings
2. Building system and equipment inspection
2.1 Service and convenience system
2.2 Hygiene and environmental system
2.3 Fire prevention and fire suppression system
3. Inspecting capacity of system and equipment for evacuation
4. Inspecting management system of building safety

Information requesting for building inspection quotation
1. Name-address of condominium juristic person or name-addresss of building / factory / hotel
2. Amount of buildings
3. Amount of floors, rooms (condominium), total area of each building (square metre)
4. Amount of all stairs leading people to the ground (not including stairs at the parking space)
5. Amount of Fire Pump, Generator, Pressurize Fan (if any)
6. Have you ever received a permit of building inspection Ror. 1
7. Main inspection or annual inspection?