Business Type

Educational Services, VisaServices, Hotel & Ticket booking, Car Rental

ศูนย์แนะแนวศึกษาต่อนิวซีแลนด์ (New Zealand Educational Center, ให้คำปรึกษาด้านการเรียนต่อทุกระดับ มัธยมศึกษา เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ เรียน Certificate/Diploma ระดับ ปริญญาตรี เอก ยื่น Visa บริการและให้คำปรึกษาฟรี

educational institution security: we provide security services for schools, universities, and other educational institutions. our services include security guards, access control, and emergency response procedures.

three-dimensional printing service: 3d printing service, accepting molding of objects, 3d printing according to the model, accepting production of carved resin pieces, factory prices, accepting work directly from various types of industrial factories, buddha foundries, temples and meditation centers. educational

lampang library floor for sale, sliding cabinet for schools, universities, educational institutions government office shell for placing goods - placing goods shelves for sale, shelves for supermarkets, minimarts, lampang, convenience stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, selling animal feed, selling fertilizers


factory producing and selling stainless steel freezers stainless steel refrigerator, flower refrigerator, freezer, freezer, water cooler stainless steel kitchen equipment store for hotel kitchens, restaurants, fast food shops, food courts, food courts, educational institution cafeterias cooking schools

Educational Agent

จัดสอบ O-Net

business office housing developments, condominiums, apartments, hotels and resorts international school car showroom government offices in rayong province providing inspection services watch out for guard duty control the entry and exit of people and vehicles for factories, villages, apartments, educational