Business Type

Accounting Tax Planning management & Auditing Professionnal Service

Business Registration, Tax planning and Accouting system arrangement Applying for working permit & Visa extension in Thailand Translation TH-ENG-TH and notarial service Legal practice & Consultant  

filings, as follows: the company has provided integrated services of counselling on tax planning, tax advisory service, tax filings and tax services as per the code of revenue.

tax services in the Bang Lamung area, Pattaya to the Eastern Seaboard, Bowin, Sriracha, Chonburi Planning services, setting up a financial accounting system, tax accounting, and providing accounting for all forms of accounting work.

cash book, general journal. and ledger 3.2) Prepare trial balance and financial statements 3.3) Prepare important account details such as details of debtors and creditors, etc. 3.4) Register as an accountant 4) Executive Accounting Management accounting presents information to facilitate the planning

จัดทำบัญชีด้วยระบบคอมพิวเตอร์, จัดทำบัญชี,งบทอลอง, งบดุล, งบกำไรขาดทุน, บริการตรวจสอบบัญชี, บริการวางระบบบัญชี, บริการด้านภาษีอากร,จัดทำภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม, ภาษีธุรกิจเฉพาะ, ภาษีหัก ณ ที่จ่ายทุกประเภท, บริการให้คำปรึกษาเกี่ยวกับปัญหาภาษีอากร,รับตรวจสอบการจัดทำแบบภาษีประเภทต่างๆ, รับวางแผนทางด้านภาษีอากร (TAX

Accounting and Fax planning, Accounting, Tax and AuditingService Business registtration (Thai & Foreign), Accountant secondment service (Temporary/ permanent), Payroll Service, Work Pormit/Visa application, extension Business Low Consultant

life needs to be well planned and correct, such as financial planning - savings. make a plan for life to be worth the protection. plan for tax relief life insurance policies can help.