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ประกอบกิจการนำเข้า ส่งออก ขายส่ง ขายปลีก เพชร พลอย อัญมณีเครื่องประดับต่างๆ

Calcium Carbonate Calcium Masterbatch White Masterbatch

Our products: Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Water-Soluble Vitamins, Carotenoids for Fortification & Coloration, Nutritional Lipids, Amino Acids, Minerals, Sweeteners and other functional ingredients.  

Cabochon, Polishing GemstonesMakeAll Kinds of Designs With Handmade Products, Also Selling Localand Import Rocks and Minerals From Around The World, Hope That You Will Be Happy Witour Services And Productions Thank You

IP6 helps neutralize the effects of chemical pesticide and artificial food additives.Organic rice is a living seed, endowed with more than 30 types of vitamin and minerals.

. it contains 5 essential nutrients, far in excess of nutritional value as compared to polished white rice. organic brown rice contains vitamin b complex and minerals that are easily absorbed by our bodies. it reduces the acidification of our bodies and promotes general wellbeing.

ผลิตปูนขาว น้ำตาลหลอมเหล็กที่ใช้ในกระบวนการอุตสาหกรรม