Business Type

Plastic packaging in the form of a bottle with a screw cap, a bottle with a pump head, a spray head, a nozzle, a dropper-dropper bottle, a roller bottle, a tube with a flip-top cap, a pop-up cap, a cartridge, a jar, a barrel, a gallon, a screw cap, a lock cap for packing products. which is clear liquid

We also provide services in rubber products such as OEM service, including production of latex bedding and latex underwear Providing services from production, packing, branding to exporting. Tailoring services for pillowcases/mattresses of all shapes and sizes.

HF Plastic welding High frequency blister pack HF Blister packing machine with sliding tray and rotary table type HF Welding and cutting Selling spare parts about the canvas welding machine. plastic welding machine with all kinds of frequency systems such as frequency tubes Selling plastic welding


ผู้ผลิตเครื่องชั่งบรรจุภัณฑ์ทุกชนิด, เครื่องชั่งรถบรรทุก, รถพ่วง, รับออกแบบ, ผลิตเครื่องชั่งตามความต้องการของลูกค้า โดยช่างผู้ชำนาญ

Made to order of plastic bag such as for blanket bag, card case, clear zip bag garbage bag, string for wrist tightening, coin case, bedcover, premium bag, vacuum sticker, dull plastic packing.

Count (Counting scale) scales counting scales, weighing packing pieces, weighing belt the conveyor. Weighing platform (Floor Scale) size 500 kg, to 5 000 kilogram weighing steel sheets Weighing tank weighing weighing tank (Hopper Scale) weighing a silo (Silo Scale).

การบรรจุหีบห่อ ตีลังไม้ จัดส่งสินค้าทั่วราชอาณาจักร

ผลิตภัณฑ์โพลียูรีเทน polyurethan product : piston and rod seals, caster and pu profiles, roller and pu coupling, piston seal and pu coupling และอื่นๆ / ผลิตภัณฑ์ยาง rubber product : o-ring seal, butterfly, valve seal, rubber roller, support rubber, diaphragm and batterfly, spacer rubber, cleaning rubber, roll feed, packing
