Business Type

- 4 colors: offset: 2 - 6 layers of sticky paper: stitching or gluing: add pe coated paper: with moisture-proof plastic with tape or with automatic shut-off valve animal feed bags, 4-color printing bags, offset printing bags, premix bags, ultra sonic & heat seal coated bags, cement bags, chemical

ไพรเมอร์ สีไอซีไอ ดูลักซ์ ไอซีไอ, เวเธอร์ชิลด์, เพนทาไลท์, อีซี่แคร์, อินสไปร์, ดูเอทท์, ซิลค์วู้ด, ซุปเปอร์โค้ท, ไฮโดรเฟรช, smooth over สีเบเยอร์, beger, b-52, 2k, b-5000, สีทาไม้ไฟเบอร์ซีเมนต์ สีทาไม้เทียม เบเยอร์ ซินโนเท็กซ์, สีทาหลังคา, สีทองคำ, สีย้อมไม้เบเยอร์วูดเสตน ดีดี โพลียูเรเทนชนิด a+

wastewater drainage: we manage the installation of wastewater drainage systems leading to treatment facilities, as well as drainage systems that direct runoff outside the factory.

technician at 0-3805-7007, 08-1637-0233, 09-2628-8457.

for rubber glove factories that need to improve the efficiency of the existing production line installed a nitrile glove manufacturing machine a new model that offers high capacity as a replacement for the old one. in order to solve the problem of production not in time to deliver orders expanding

want to buy a daikin air conditioner 08-1761-9221 dealer of daikin air conditioner (daikin) daikin air conditioners the latest model, chonburi, rayong, both small air conditioners for residential houses, rooms, central air conditioners, vrv and large air conditioners for restaurants, restaurants, food

form of annual summary report, pnd1(a)  provide a half-year personal income tax, pnd94, annual personal income tax, pnd90, pnd91  provide estimates of half-year corporate income tax payment, pnd51, annual corporate income tax payment, pnd50 legal advisory service for business and

floor coating wax (wax) we have a stock of stone flakes. sea pebbles can be ordered and inquired. happy to serve in chiang mai, lamphun shop for house paint, building paint, acrylic paint, wood stain, atm paint, shrimp paint, gold hato, spray paint.

Less used by customers Come to buy products in front of our store for a cheap price. Customers buy a lot and a factory customer converts plywood into furniture.