Business Type

buy - sell all kinds of metal steel. service to the factory at a good price. there are pickup trucks, skip cars, tools and labor. arrive at the factory want to sell some thick scrap metal sell ​​scrap steel, small pieces - large pieces there are kilograms of scrap metal for sale. iron articles we

if you want to turn scrap metal into money, come to samorn recycle chonburi.

permanent magnet grille in the drawer cabinet, manual cleaning, trap metal debris before packing vertical line type, magnetic line, squirrel cage system and self-cleaning type self-cleaning iconrich permanent magnet for sorting metal scrap screening permanent magnetic filter magnetic separator, scrap

buying old metal sheet, broken metal sheet, scrap metal sheet purchase of scrap stamping steel from industrial factories, including thick stamping steel, thin stamping steel.

design and build a conveying system conveyor system conveyor roller screw conveyor system conveyor belt scrap metal stamping work - all kinds of metal lathe work.

Buy all types of scrap metal Purchase of scrap steel left over from industrial production Selling compressed metal, accepting metal auctions by the factory Separating metal and distributing compressed metal at high prices ​

Metal Group Chiang Mai Service for buying scrap metal to your factory Service for buying scrap metal at high prices Whether it's steel scraps, copper scraps, brass scraps, stainless steel scraps, aluminum scraps.

Chok Chai pH (main) service to buy scrap steel purchase second-hand สภาพดี used cheap antique District Four Buy scrap steel purchase auction purchase old iron steel factory. Buy scrap metal from the demolition of all kinds.