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flat belt wholesale price

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flat belt wholesale price
Importer and wholesaler of flat belts, flat belts, flat belts equipment for conveying objects Is a device used for conveying objects by relying on the transmission of power from the pulley of the drive shaft to help the belt move in the same direction. It looks like a flat cable with a rectangular cross-section. Made from many materials including canvas, PVC, rubber, plastic and stainless steel designed to be compact, easy to remove, good adhesion, with tensile strength, heat resistance, oil resistance, chemical resistance, anti-static. And it's also environmentally friendly. Therefore, flat belts are widely installed in printing machine conveyors, packaging machines, bags, food industry, beverages, rice sacks, electronic components, and more.

Flat belts Flat belts In general, flat belts can be divided into three main types according to the working speed of the flat belt:
Light Drives flat belts are flat belts whose belt speed does not exceed 10 m/s, making them suitable for light duty applications. Conveying food or packaging that is small and lightweight, etc.
Medium Drives flat belts are flat belts that have a belt drive speed between 10-22 m/s, making them suitable for use in moving goods in the desired direction, etc.
Heavy Drives flat belts are flat belts with a belt speed greater than 22 m/s. This type of flat belt is a flat belt suitable for use in heavy duty applications such as being used to drive heavy industrial machines, etc.

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