Business Type

Chemicals and miscellaneous for water supply, water cleaning, swimming pool, agricultural for terrestrial and aquatic animas. General agriculture such as food, drugs, animal's food, dyestuff, coloring matter, ink and rubber

Wholesale of stainless steel pumps, pumps, chemical pumps, pumps, chemicals, submersible pumps, submersible pumps, pumps, centrifugal pumps, battery pumps, magnetic pump (Magnetic Drive Pump), pumps.

drip tape: resistant to chemicals. used in agriculture drip tape is produced by modern technology. drip tapes such as melon, cantaloupe, peppers, tomatoes, cassava, sugar cane are also available.

Kalasin new rice, 9 Phat brand, organic rice New rice, agricultural insie, good product, authentic Kalasin city For those who like to eat new rice Cook it as hot steamed rice or cook it into boiled rice.
